
Thursday, November 11, 2021

All about Sloths

in reading we are learning about sloths. we are reading about sloths after we finished reading everything about sloths we will write a information report everything about sloths first we had to start with a introduction and the rest everything about them for example where they live, what they look like, their babies, what they eat. when you finished with the information report you had to make a google slide and copy and paste the writing from your report. 


  1. I love your presentation on sloths Shukria, I have learnt so much! I can't believe they spend so much of the day sleeping. Also that the mother sloths give birth upside down, those clever babies grabbing on straight away. I wonder if their mother catches them if they don't hold on at first? I really like how you have placed your pictures and photos, the whole thing looks great!

  2. hi Shukria its Bella something i like about your work is how you put a lot of information and put a lot of pictures on it and how you took your time to do it and something i think you should work on is to write a bit more on your slides like on your introduction and something it reminds me of is the sloths at some of the zoo that you go in and something you really did well is how you took your time and did not rush but ya you did really well and bye see you next time i comment on your blog


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